A Vision For Eggerts Crossing
Founded in 1949
While stability is generally a desirable attribute, the lack of change can sometimes lead to stagnancy and disinvestment. The Neighborhood’s population has been relatively static over the past decade; new housing construction and residential resales have been virtually nonexistent. Commercial reinvestment has not occurred.
The Neighborhood is one of enormous opportunity, requiring only initial “pump priming” to begin implementation of the vision. Residential infill opportunities abound. Strong potential for gateway mixed-use redevelopment can turn an existing aesthetic liability into a source of community pride and economic activity. The central greenway and parks can become a real focus for community activity and provide pedestrian and bike linkage to the region. Finally, improvements in utility service and circulation can eliminate obstacles to redevelopment and create additional incentives.
All of the improvements are intended to convey the community’s strong sense of identity. There is a feeling of community in Eggerts Crossing for both young and old. This revitalization plan builds upon the community vision.